
Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.


Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.


Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.

PR Center

Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.

Health Center

Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.

CS Center

Shinwoo P&C, a leading silver hygiene products company in Korea,
will continue to grow for a comfortable and happy world.

Press Release

[구미일보] 중소벤처기업진흥공단 경북지역본부·(주)신우피앤씨, 취약계층을 위한 생필품 전달
  • 작성자 신우피앤씨
  • 댓글 0건
  • 조회 4,478회
  • 작성일 21-03-17 14:27


경북 칠곡에 위치한 필터 분야 전문기업 ㈜신우피앤씨(대표 김종호)와 중소벤처기업진흥공단 경북지역본부(본부장 이준호) 임직원들은 16일 취약계층에게 전해 달라며 성인용 기저귀 2천300장을 구미 원평1동 행정복지센터에 기탁했다.

출처 : 매일신문, 2021. 03. 16